Loans and Fines


  • Items with a loan period of 3 weeks, 2 weeks, or 7 days: 15₵ per day up to a maximum of $5.00.
  • Items with a loan period of 3 days: $1.00 per day up to a maximum of $5.00.
  • Interlibrary loan fines:  $1.00 per day.  There is no maximum fine amount for overdue interlibrary loan items.
  • Wi-Fi HotSpots: $1.00 per day up to the full price of the device. $25 fine for not returning hotspot to the checkout desk.
  • Video Games: $1.00 per day up to a maximum of $10.00.
  • Explore Passes: $10.00 per day. There is no maximum fine amount for overdue Explore Passes. $10.00 fine for not returning an Explore Pass to the checkout desk.
  • When fines accumulate to $10.01 or more on a patron's library card, borrowing privileges will be blocked until the balance is paid in full.


  • Books, audiobooks, and 7 day DVDs may be renewed if it has not been renewed previously and there are no holds for the item.
  • No renewals for 3 day DVDs, Popular Books, Book of the Month, Tonies, magazines, Wi-Fi HotSpots, and interlibrary loans.

Grace Periods 

  • No fine will be charged for an eligible item returned within 3 days of the date due.   
  • Items returned after the grace period will be fined from the original due date (i.e. on the fourth day the fine will be 60₵ for 15₵ fine items). 
  • There is no grace period for 3 day items, interlibrary loan items, and Wi-Fi Hotspots.

Checkout Limits per Card

  • DVDs: 30
  • CDs (music and audiobooks combined): 30
  • Tonies, video games, yard games, and board games (all types combined): 10
  • Explore Passes: 1
  • Wi-Fi HotSpots: 1
  • Maximum number of items: 100

Hold Policies

Each library card is limited to a maximum of 30 hold items at a time.


Checked out library items may not be transferred from one library card to another library card. Greenfield items must be checked in for at least 24 hours before being checked out by the same patron or the patron's family member. Items owned by other libraries must be returned to the owning library.

Lost or Damaged Items 

Once an item is paid for, no refunds will be given if the lost item is later found. The library cannot accept replacements copies of lost or damaged items. The patron must pay the replacement cost of the lost or damaged item.