Popular Collections

Skip the holds list and check out items from one of our new release and popular items collections.

Popular and Bestsellers

This display features our most popular new release books and DVDs. New items will be added weekly, so check back often to find the hottest titles.


  • Two week checkout
  • Nonrenewable
  • Nonholdable


  • Three day checkout, no grace period
  • Nonrenwable
  • Nonholdable

View a list of Popular and Bestseller books.

Book of the Month

Every month a librarian will specially select a book to highlight as The Book of Month. 25 copies of the selected book will be available the first of the month.

  • Two week checkout
  • Nonrenewable
  • Nonholdable

View a full list of the current and past Book of the Month titles.

Book Club Recommendations

Is your book club looking for its next book selection? Every month we will have 15 copies available of a book we recommend for book clubs,

  • Two week checkout
  • Nonrenewable
  • Nonholdable

View a full list of current and past Book Club Recommendation titles.