Internet Use Policy

Greenfield Public Library
Internet & Computer Use Policy

As part of Greenfield Public Library’s (GPL) mission to provide opportunities for lifelong learning, engagement, and enrichment, GPL provides computers and laptops connected to the Internet and free wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) for public use.

Internet Access

The quality, accuracy and timeliness of information on the Internet varies from site to site, and sites may be controversial or of a mature nature. GPL does not monitor, has no control over, and does not accept responsibility for material in any sources on the Internet. Patrons access the Internet at their own discretion and are responsible for the results of their searches.

Computers will be available during library hours.  All computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  To ensure free access for all patrons, GPL has installed software on all computers to manage user time limits.  Time on the Internet computers and laptops is limited to 180 minutes per day per patron.  Patrons may renew their computer session in increments of 30 minutes if at least one open computer is available. 

All computers will automatically turn off (15) minutes before closing.  Laptops must be returned to either the reference desk or the children’s desk fifteen (15) minutes before closing.

GPL is not responsible for data loss that may occur due to time limitations.  GPL reserves the right to disable a computer and/or laptop as needed. 

All users are required to sign in to use a public computer.  Users without a valid Milwaukee County Library card may request a daily quest pass from staff at the reference desk by showing a current photo ID.  Users may not use someone else's library card to sign on to a library computer. 

Users are reminded to log out of the computer at the end of the session.

Use of a laptop requires a valid photo ID with a current address.

A maximum of two persons may use a single computer or laptop at the same time. One user must have [zLJE1] a valid library card or photo ide, as noted above, for a guest pass.

Users are not allowed to save passwords and/or other sensitive information on library computers or laptops. 

Wireless Internet Access

GPL provides unsecured, unfiltered wireless Internet access. This service is for patrons with wireless-capable devices and is intended to be available during the library's normal operating hours.

GPL cannot guarantee that wireless service will be available at any specific time, nor guarantee Internet speed or connection quality.  Library staff, at their discretion, may limit use.

Individuals must know how to connect their wireless devices to a wireless network. Staff may provide limited troubleshooting assistance on patron devices. The library cannot guarantee access to an electrical outlet for patron devices.

Wireless networks are not secure, and use is at the individual's risk. Virus, security, and privacy protection are the responsibility of the patron.  GPL is not responsible for any damage to data files, alteration to file systems, theft of personal information, or functionality of the device resulting from connecting to the wireless network. Any restriction or monitoring of a minor's access to the library's wireless network is the sole responsibility of the minor's parent or legal guardian.

Patrons using the wireless network must follow content guidelines outlined elsewhere in this policy. Abuse of privileges may result in loss or termination of computer access.

Responsibilities of Computer and Laptop Users

GPL requires computer users to respect the rights and sensibilities of all library users. Some Internet sites are inappropriate for viewing in a public setting. Users should refrain from using Internet sounds and visuals that may disrupt the ability of other library patrons to use the Library and its resources. Library staff reserves the right to end Internet sessions if the material displayed is deemed inappropriate for viewing in a public setting.

Internet Safety

GPL currently restricts access by minors under the age of 12 to inappropriate matter using filtering software on the computers and laptops in the Children’s Area. GPL uses third-party filtering software and has no control over what matter is and is not accessible on Children’s computers and laptops.  Teens aged 13 and up may check out a laptop at the children's reference desk.  Parents and guardians are solely responsible for supervising their children's Internet sessions. Library staff cannot monitor parental restrictions[zLJE2] . A parent/guardian may request their juvenile[zLJE3]  child under 16 not be allowed to use the Internet at GPL.


U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by fair use principles. Patrons may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs, or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Any responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with patrons; GPL expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.


Patrons cannot store or download any data to GPL’s computer network. Patrons tampering with any Library hardware or networked programs will be denied access to Library computers in the future and may lose their Library privileges.


Library software is copyrighted and may not be reproduced. (See also Copyright section). Users may not load their own or any other software on GPL equipment. Users are not permitted to store any software or other data on the hard drives of the GPLS’s computers and laptops or alter the programs currently installed on the systems. Anyone tampering with any GPL hardware or software will be denied access to library computers in the future and may lose their library privileges.

Saving files and documents

Users are responsible for saving their own work. Documents saved to a library computer are erased each time a user logs off. GPL is not responsible for loss of data that may occur.  Users may purchase a USB drive from GPL for $5 to save their work.


Patrons access the GPL computer hardware or its network at their own risk. GPL is not responsible for equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damages to a patron's data or equipment, or electronic transactions of any type that are related to the public use of Library computer resources,

Staff Responsibilities

Patrons are expected to have basic computer skills while using GPL computers and laptops.  Staff will provide assistance and training such as (but not limited to):

  • Logging onto the computer
  • Printing a document
  • Opening/retrieving/saving a document
  • Attaching a document to an email
  • Identifying appropriate starting points for an Internet search

Staff will use their best judgment when setting limits on the amount of assistance given in providing in-depth instruction.  Hardware and software comfort levels vary among staff. Staff members will do their best to assist patrons with their needs, but not all staff may be able to assist at the same level of expertise.

For one-on-one computer instruction, patrons are to make an appointment with a GPL librarian at a mutually agreed upon time.

Staff are not authorized to

  • Fill out a job application for a patron
  • Provide tax or legal assistance

Post to social media or send email on a patron's behalf

  • Input or access financial information for a patron


Patrons are required to pay for any items printed from GPL computers or its network.  GPL is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when printing. 

Printing from a computer costs fifteen cents per page for black and white and twenty-five cents per page for color. The payment system software will notify the patron of the page count and the printing cost. To continue printing, the patron must agree to the charges by clicking OK. The patron then pre-pays at the “Reservation Station” vending machine. Printed material may then be retrieved at the adjacent printer. The print vending machine can accept coins and bills up to $20.00. 

Illegal and Unacceptable Uses

GPL computers and/or Wi-Fi network may only be used for legal purposes. Examples of unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Displaying sexually explicit or pornographic materials;
  • Harassing others or violating their privacy;
  • Libeling, slandering, or maliciously offending others;
  • Violating copyright laws or program licensing agreements;
  • Attempting to crash, degrade performance, or gain unauthorized access to any computer systems and networks;
  • Damaging equipment, software, or data belonging to GPL.


Patron privacy and confidentiality is maintained in accordance with Section 43.30 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and GPL’s Privacy Policy.


Failure to comply with this policy will result in reduced or eliminated access to GPL’s technology.

Patrons exhibiting behavior while using Internet resources that are deemed to expose children to harmful material or descriptions or narrations as described in 944.21 and 948.11 of the Wisconsin statutes, library staff will end the user’s computer session.  Any materials or sites that depict child pornography are considered unlawful according to state statutes:

Use of the Internet is for LAWFUL purposes only.  UNLAWFUL use of the internet or computers will be reported to law enforcement.  The patron may lose internet access and/or library privileges permanently.


Policy approved by the Greenfield Public Library Board on May 13, 2010; updated October 17, 2019; reviewed and reaffirmed 2/20/2020; updated and approved 3/21/24