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Did you know that there were 1,597 books affected by censorship attempts in the United States in 2021 according to the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom? Here at the Greenfield Public Library we believe that everyone deserves the freedom to read, and throughout the month of September we will be celebrating Banned Books Week (September 18 – 24). Participate in our blind date with a banned book challenge on Facebook or Tik Tok (@Greenfieldlibrarianswi). On September 21 and October 19, we will release clues about a banned book, and the first person to comment the correct answer wins a copy of the banned book and a coupon for a free book from the book sale shelf. The correct answers will be revealed on Facebook and Tik Tok on October 5 and November 2. In the meantime, take a look at our Banned Book Displays in the entrance of the library, the adult fiction section, and young adult section.
- To learn more about the history of banned books week, visit www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/banned.
- To learn more about the difference between “challenged books” and “banned books,” visit www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/banned-books-qa.
- To learn more on the current state of censorship in the US, read the most recent PEN America Report on censorship in schools.
- To learn more about our professional values as librarians, take a look at the Wisconsin Library Association’s statement on the freedom to read and intellectual freedom, the American Library Association’s statement on the freedom to read, and the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights.