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Public libraries are famous for their collections of books and media items such as DVDs and CDs, but did you know that we have even more than that? Many libraries also have what’s called a Library of Things. A Library of Things can contain any items that can be loaned out for others to use. Some Library of Things contain items like games, art supplies, tools, STEM equipment, electronics, or more. Library of Things are great because they allow people to use items that they only temporarily want instead of being forced to buy or rent them.
Here at the Greenfield Public Library, we have cake pans, a VHS to digital converter, hotspots, and kindles. Other libraries in the Milwaukee County have things like zoo passes, board games, or tools.
This summer, we added several items to our Library of Things. Look for gardening kits, tools for working with tiles, yard games, disc golf, and pickleball. All available now! Our librarians are here if you are interested in checking out any items from our Library of Things or have any questions.